
International students

Name:LAN Hua


Lecturer of Law, China University of Political Science and Law



2006.6, Wuhan University, Ph.D.

2007.7-2007.8.Defense and negotiation skills project, American University and University of the Pacific,

2007.8, Asian and European economic law training project, Becirus and China social science institute.

 2004.7,Marko international trade law training,.


Present Professional Position:

Lecturer of Si Law CUPL




"the law books for commons," general editor; alone with: "foreign legal systems cases " and "marriage and family inheritance law cases", Shanxi Education Press, 2004

Book Chapters:

1. "Hungary v. Slovakia, water projects dispute" was incorporated into the "recent International Court of Justice Case Study" (Chapter 8), The Commercial Press published 2006;

2. "The coordination of Trading environment measures and the WTO rules", incorporated into the "21st century, international law and China" (Chapter 12), Wuhan University Press published in 2005

3."Proportionality principle in the application of EU trade and environment dispute settlement", was incorporated into the "era of globalization of international law - the basis, structure and challenges", published by Wuhan University Press, 2005.

4. "WTO legal term dictionary" (Zhang Yuqing ed), Law Press, 2006


1. "Principle of Proportionality in EUs Disputes Settlement on Trade and Environment Issues", "Law Review" 2005.4;

2. " EUs Disputes Settlement on Trade and Environment Issues ", "German Studies" 2005.1

3. "Kyoto mechanisms and their implementation: cooperation with the EU and reference", "European Integration Studies" 2005.4

4. " The implementation mechanism of WTO Countervailing Agreement and its implementation in China," "World Trade Organization News and Research" 2002.8

5. "The principle of exhaustion of local remedies and International Investment Dispute Resolution", "Journal of Henan Institute of Political Management," 2002.6

6. " The implementation mechanism of WTO Countervailing Agreement",  "Law and Society" , 2002.2

7. " The case of Milosevic, from the perspective of international law, ", "Journal of Wuhan University graduate student," 2002.1

13 translation and proofreading Adam B. Jaffe & Josh Lerner, Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do About It, Princeton University Press 2004. "Innovation and Its Discontents - The U.S. patent system is imperfect hazards and respond to innovation", the Chinese People's University Press published in 2007

Academic Projects:

1. Important legal issues in China’s peacefully development, Ministry of Education fund important philosophy and social science programs, 2004.

2.The trend of international law in 21-centry and China’s theory and policy, Ministry of Education important research project.

3. The multilateral trading system and the international protection of labor rights, Wuhan University culture and social science younth fund project, 2004.

4. The coordination of international protection of labor rights and WTO rules, Ministry of Justice, construction of legal system and legal theory research project, 2004.

5. Library Intellectual Property empirical risk aversion mode, National Social Science Foundation Youth Project, 2007.

6. Study on international law issue of enterprise’s social responsibility, National Social Science Foundation Youth Project, 2006.

International Exchange:

1.Participated in “The influence of China's WTO accession on China-EU trade, environment and development cooperation”  international seminar and lectured Kyoto mechanisms and their implementation: Cooperate with and learn from EU, in English, 2005.5.

2.Globalizition and international legal issues’ international seminar, 2002.

3. WTO and law seminar, Wuhan, 2000.